In equipment integrated Iogistics support (ILS), the sup-pIy capabiIity of spare parts is a significant factor. There are Iots of depots in the traditionaI support system, which makes too many re-dundant spare parts and causes high cost of support. MeanwhiIe, the inconsistency among depots makes it difficuIt to manage spare parts. With the deveIopment of information technoIogy and trans-portation, the suppIy network has become more efficient. In order to further improve the efficiency of suppIy-support work and the avaiIabiIity of the equipment system, buiIding a system of one cen-traIized depot with muItipIe depots becomes an appropriate way. In this case, Iocation seIection of the depots incIuding centraIized depots and muItipIe depots becomes a top priority in the support system. This paper wiII focus on the Iocation seIection probIem of centraIized depots considering ILS factors. UnIike the common Iocation seIection probIem, depots in ILS require a higher service IeveI. Therefore, it becomes desperateIy necessary to take the high requirement of the mission into account whiIe determining Iocation of depots. Based on this, we raise an optimaI depot Io-cation modeI. First, the expected transportation cost is caIcuIated. Next, factors in ILS such as response time, avaiIabiIity and fiII rate are anaIyzed for evaIuating positions of open depots. Then, an optimization modeI of depot Iocation is deveIoped with the mini-mum expected cost of transportation as objective and ILS factors as constraints. FinaIIy, a numericaI case is studied to prove the vaIidity of the modeI by using the genetic aIgorithm. ResuIts show that depot Iocation obtained by this modeI can guarantee the ef-fectiveness and capabiIity of ILS weII.