Draft foreign investment law aims to clarify status of VIE

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  Feb. 10, 2015 (China Daily) -- On Jan 19, the draft of China's Foreign Investment Law was released for a public comment period that runs until Feb 17. One of the most significant changes in the draft legislation is the adoption of a de facto review of the variable interest entity, or VIE, structure of corporate ownership. This is a workaround structure that is used by foreign and Chinese investors in many industries where foreign direct investment is restricted or prohibited in China. Under a VIE structure, a Chinese entity holding all the necessary licenses to operate a business in a restricted or prohibited industry is de facto controlled by a wholly foreign owned enterprise through contractual arrangements. The profits of the domestic entity flow back to the controlling WFOE or joint venture. This arrangement enables foreign investors to engage in Chinese industries that they would otherwise be excluded from by law.
2月8日,中国钦州—马来西亚关丹集装箱国际班轮航线如期开航,航线的开通为中国—马来西亚“两国双园”项目搭建了海上直通桥梁。  据广西北部湾港务集团介绍,航线由该集团旗下北部湾邮轮码头公司的“北部湾之星”号执行,计划每半月执行一个航次。该直通航线将中国广西前往马来西亚东海岸的货运时间由20多天缩短至5天,多次中转提升为直达运输,特别适合如海鲜、时令水果、文件等准空运货物的运输。另外,班轮还特别推出费
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新加坡联合早报网2月12日发表文章称,中国社科院学部委员汪同三于2月11日在中国泉州举行的“21世纪‘海上丝绸之路’国际研讨会”上表示,海上丝绸之路战略的提出,为中国克服经济下行压力带来新机遇。“海上丝绸之路把中国与一些特定国家更紧密联系在一起,让这些国家更容易,更有可能找到海外需求。他们需要中国许多产品、技术、资金、物资的支持,这些项目肯定对于缓解国内的需求不足,产能过剩问题有益。”  俄罗斯塔