光做不说是不行的.因为市场经济不太喜欢无名英雄。从1999年起,我们就有计划地派记者到企业中采访,因为我们认为用户的声音很重要。遗憾的是.我们并未宣扬此事,全当是尽了本分。今年我们有了一个“Project G”,核心之一是继续派记者到北京之外的城市采访当地的信息化建设情况。之所以要广而告之.不仅是因为要符合市场经济规律,还因为当我们人生地不熟地到了您的城市时请您帮个忙。为什么称
Not to mention light is not enough, because the market economy does not like the unknown hero. Since 1999, we have planned to send reporters to the enterprises to interview, because we think the voice of the user is very important. Regrettably, we did not preach this matter when we did our part. This year we have a “Project G”, one of the core is to continue to send reporters to cities outside Beijing to interview the local information construction. The reason to advertise it is not only because you want to be in line with the laws of the market economy, but also because when we are unfamiliar to your city, please help me. Why do you say?