11月8日,市水利局领导班子全 体在京成员在北环水系转河工地收看 了党的十六大开幕式实况,并结合北 京水利现状进行了座谈。党组书记刘 宝善、局长焦志忠、副局长张宁、毕小 刚、纪检组长李艳萍、总工程师吴文桂 参加。 焦志忠说,党的十六大是21世纪 向全世界发表的一次宣言,体现了我 们党的团结和领导全国人民实现中华 民族伟大复兴的信心。报告也给首都 水利工作指明了前进的方向。2008年 奥运之前,力争用3年时间实现北京 水利现代化,4年时间完成北京的水 系改造,5年时间还清北京水质,管理 好水资源。同时还要进一步做好南水 北调引水入京,加快恢复官厅水质。 焦局长强调,局领导班子要带领全局 认真学习贯彻党的十六大报告,团结
On November 8, the members of the municipal water conservancy bureau team in Beijing took a look at the opening ceremony of the 16th Party Congress at the Zhuhai site of the North Central Water System, and discussed the situation of Beijing’s water conservancy. Party group secretary Liu Baoshan, chief Jiao Zhizhong, deputy director Zhang Ning, Bi Xiaogang, discipline inspection chief Li Yanping, and chief engineer Wu Wengui participated. Jiao Zhizhong said that the 16th CPC National Congress was a declaration issued to the world in the 21st century, which demonstrated the unity of our party and the confidence of the people throughout the country in achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The report also pointed out the direction for the capital’s water conservancy work. Before the Olympics in 2008, it strived to realize the modernization of Beijing’s water conservancy in three years, complete the transformation of Beijing’s water system in four years, repay the water quality of Beijing in five years, and manage water resources well. At the same time, we must do a better job of diverting water from the South-to-North Water Diversion Project to Beijing to speed up the restoration of water quality in the Guanting. Secretary Jiao emphasized that the leading group of the bureau must lead the overall situation to study and implement the report of the 16th CPC National Congress and unite.