今年7月4日,俄罗斯回收了一个携带有和平号空间站试验样品和数据的称作彩虹的返回舱,该舱成功地落在俄罗斯境内。 彩虹舱可以从和平号空间站带回多达150公斤的试验样品、数据记录等。彩虹舱是由能源设计局设计的。在这以前,从载人空间站送回样品的唯一途径是靠联盟号载人飞船。 彩虹舱是由进步-M18号飞
On July 4 this year, Russia collected a return capsule called Rainbow with a test sample and data from the Mir station that successfully landed in Russia. Rainbow Cabin can bring back up to 150 kg of test samples, data records and more from the Mir space station. Rainbow cabin is designed by the Energy Design Bureau. Until then, the only way to send samples back from the manned space station was with the Soyuz spacecraft. Rainbow cabin is made by progress-M18 fly