
来源 :当代青年研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chengrong
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“示范群体”概念提出时,是有其特定内涵和所指的.但很快从青年团员示范群体,衍生出党员示范群体、教师示范群体、工人示范群体……也就是说,几乎所有的群体都把自己列为示范群体,要求自己起到示范的作用.“示范群体”概念,呈现为各群体内部的自我要求“示范群体”概念出现宽泛化的趋势,源于此概念内含的三个概念“示”、“范”、“群体”意义的不清.除去那些摸棱两可的说法,“范”的真实内容是什么?“群体”是在什么意义上的群体?“示”的具体方式是什么?“示范群体”,与过去的“榜样”、“模范”有没有差异,如果有,又是什么?本文将把“示范群体”首先作为一个词语,考察其出现及被使用的语境.离开这个语境.此词语是无意义的.通过这个语境分析我们将看出“范”是如何在失范的背景下被寻找的;我们可以看出,“群体”,已从国家本位的群体转向了个人本位的群体;及“示”的方式从指令性向志愿性的变化.最后,我们可以看出,“示范群体”中的这三个方面的内容是密不可分的.我们不能把“范”看作内容或本质,忽略对“群体”和“示”的分析;我们不能认为一旦找到了“范”,剩下的工作只是把“菜”(“范”)扔到各种各样的篮子里去;我们必须对“篮子”(“群体”),对“扔”(“示”)也同时进行切实的分析.这样,才能? When the concept of “model group” was proposed, it had its own specific meaning and meaning, but soon it was derived from the model group of youth members that party members, teacher demonstration groups and worker demonstration groups ... that is to say, almost all the groups All regarded themselves as demonstration groups and demanded that they play an exemplary role.The concept of “demonstration group” presented as a self-requirement within each group The trend towards the generalization of the concept of “model group” stems from the fact that three The concept of “show”, “Fan”, “group” meaning unclear.Without those ambiguous argument, “Van” is the real content of what is “group” in what sense the group? Is there any difference between “model group” and “model group” in the past, and if so, what is the difference between “model group” and “model group” in the past? In this paper, “model group” is first used as a term to examine the emergence and use of “model group” Context. Without this context, this term is meaningless. From this contextual analysis we will see how Fan is sought in the context of anomie; we can see that “collectivities” standard The group turned to the individual-based group; and the way of “show” changed from prescriptive to voluntary .Finally, we can see that these three aspects of the “model group” are inextricably linked. Fan “as content or essence, ignoring the analysis of” group “and” representation. “We can not assume that once the” fan “has been found, the rest of the work simply throws” food “ We must analyze both the ”basket“ (”group“) and the ”throw“ (”show") at the same time.
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