时间:2010年8月26日地点:北京798艺术园区751巨罐受访人:吉冈达生佳能(中国)有限公司副总裁Q对于本次新发布的EOS 60D数码单反相机,佳能将它定位为面向哪类用户群体?A中国的数码单反相机市场正在以每年两位数以上的速度快速增长,在市场扩大的同时,用户群体的范围也不断扩大。与其它国家相比,中国市场的特点是拥有为数众多的高端摄影发烧友。这个比例可能是全世界最高的。我们这次推出的EOS 60D,就是想尽量满足这些高端摄影发烧友对画质的要求。
Time: August 26, 2010 Venue: 751 Jumbo Canteen, 798 Art Park, Beijing Interviewee: Ji Gang, Vice President, Canon (China) Co., Ltd. Q For this new EOS 60D digital SLR camera, Canon positioned it For what kind of user groups? A China's digital SLR camera market is growing at more than double-digit annual rate of rapid growth in the market while expanding the user base also expanded. Compared with other countries, the Chinese market is characterized by a large number of high-end photography enthusiasts. This ratio may be the highest in the world. Our launch of the EOS 60D, is to try to meet these high-end photography enthusiasts on the quality requirements.