探讨简单实用的寄生虫卵检查方法是大规模开展肠道寄生虫病查治工作亟待解决的问题。近年来有关肠道线虫卵检查方法的评价,文献报道较多,我们根据实际工作情况于1990年12月~1991年1月在南安县杨美村用改良加藤法与小管盐水漂浮法进行配对检查,比较两种方法的检出结果,评价两法的适用范围,供今后开展肠道线虫病调查和防治工作时参考。1 材料与方法搜集南安县杨美村居民新鲜粪便733份,用以下两种方法配对检查。1.1 改良加藤法用刮片取经100目的尼龙纱过滤的粪便填入塑料定量模板中央孔内的载玻片上,填满抹平为止,取下模板,载玻片上
To explore a simple and practical parasite egg inspection method is a large-scale development of intestinal parasitic disease investigation and treatment of urgent problems. In recent years, the evaluation of intestinal nematode eggs inspection methods, reported in the literature more, according to the actual work of our in December 1990 ~ January 1991 in Yang Nan Village, Nan’an County with modified Kato method and small pipe brine floating method paired inspection, The detection results of the two methods were compared to evaluate the scope of application of the two methods for the future development of intestinal nematode investigation and prevention work reference. 1 Materials and Methods To collect 733 copies of fresh excrement from Yangmeicun County, Nan’an County, paired with the following two methods. 1.1 modified Kato law with a scraper Take 100 mesh nylon yarn filtered feces into the plastic quantitative template central hole slide, fill up smooth, remove the template, slide