●校长:现在什么样的电脑最好,我们打算购买一批,争取一步到位。 电脑教师:计算机技术发展太快,现在的配置,不久就会落后, 校长:那还是等稳定下来再说吧。 ●校长:听说计算机辅助教学是热门活题。请给我解释一下什么是计算机辅助教学。 教研室主任:比方说吧,过去教师上课时要把例题写在小黑板上——这是传统教学;以后我们有了投影仪,教师把例题写在投影胶片上——这是电化教学;而现在,例题显示在计算机屏幕上——这就是计算机辅助教学。
● Principal: What kind of computer is the best now, we intend to buy a batch, get one step in place. Computer teacher: computer technology is developing too fast, the current configuration, will soon lag behind, the principal: that is still stable to say it. ● Principal: I heard that computer-assisted instruction is a hot topic. Please explain to me what is computer-assisted instruction. Director: For example, in the past teachers had to write examples on small blackboards in class in the past - this is traditional teaching; then we have projectors, teachers write examples on transparencies - this is e-teaching; and now Examples are displayed on the computer screen - this is computer-assisted instruction.