A Study on the Cultural Adaptation of Tibetan Middle School Students in Hinterland Schools 

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  Abstract: Ganzi, Aba, and Liangshan are the three ethnic autonomous prefectures in Sichuan province. Compared with other areas in Sichuan, the educational conditions lag behind, the strength of teaching materials is weak, and the enrolment rate is low. Since the 1920s, following the gradual opening of the ethnic areas and the development of the ethnic economic conditions, more and more ethnic minorities, based on their educational expectation and economic conditions, try to send their children to get a good education in the primary and middle schools in the hinterland. However, although the educational environment of these Tibetan students has been improved, they still have to face a series of issues related to cultural adaptation which results from their cross-regional and cross-cultural background. This article takes the Ganzi Tibetan students who study in several key middle schools in Shuangliu County as a case study to explore the cultural adaptation of these students from three aspects: living, studying, and interpersonal communication. It analyzes the dilemmas in their cultural adaptation, such as “overspending”, “low academic achievement” and “their organizing small gangs”. The purpose of this article is to create a dialogue using the former related research results in order that educational authorities can pay more attention to these ethnic students who study in the hinterland schools.
  Key Words: Tibetan middle school student; hinterland school; cultural adaptation
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[摘要]东巴文玛尼堆铭文是中国西南多民族杂居区多种宗教文化交融和语言接触的产物,集中体现了佛教、本教、东巴教兼容并存、相互融合的历史。本铭文文字较多、结构完整、内容丰富,保留了一些人类早期文字的特征和地域性特征,同时补充了纳西东巴文献的材质类型,也是区域多学科研究的重要历史文献资料。  [关键词]民族关系;东巴文;玛尼堆;石刻文献  中图分类号:C95文献标识码:A  文章编号:1674-9391
[摘要]马克(Mark Bender)教授来自美国俄亥俄州立大学,对中国少数民族文学有很深刻的研究,并将部分作品译成英文,在美国学界产生了很大的影响。此次访谈,马克教授谈到了少数民族文学的译介与传播的诸多问题,并介绍了自己翻译阿库乌雾彝语诗歌的方法和原则,尤其是对如何在译文中保留原文音韵谈到了自己的一些经验,同时表达了对用少数民族语言进行文学创作前景的忧虑。访谈中,马克教授还将彝语文学作品与印第安
Abstract:The popularity of the social media app “WeChat” draws our attention to the issue of the arrival of a WeChat era. It could be said that WeChat is a new participatory opportunity for ordinary C
[摘要]通过对越西县彝族本土司法实践的实证考察,发现彝族习惯法长期在当地应用于司法实践的事实。这一事实显示习惯法使用的实际权威在彝族社会诸多时候会超出国家法的权限,因此主张国家法应当主动关注并实际承认习惯法的存在,认可或为其保留一定的合法地位和空间。这样,既有利于当地国家法的有效实施,又能满足保护文化和维持村寨秩序的现实需求。  [关键词]越西彝族;国家司法;本土司法;有机互动   中图分类号
[摘要]弗雷德里克·戴木德教授结合自己的学术研究背景和研究领域,回顾了自己在库拉圈一带的岛屿进行的民族志田野调查,探讨了水、树、环境、生产与人的生活之关系,戴木德教授强调结构主义对他思考方式的影响,认为索绪尔的“意义始于差异”观点十分重要,在库拉圈岛(Kula Ring)博约瓦(Muyuw)人那里苦(树)与甜(树)之间的差异和区分被运用到对不同树的分类与解释就是典型的例证。戴木德教授告诫人类学研究
Abstract: Historically, the Miao had no unified writing system. The historical records that we read today are mostly recorded from the perspective of “the other”. We know that “historical memory” is a