三菱电机公司开发了一种用于混合动力电动汽车(HEVs)的超紧凑型碳化硅(SiC)逆变器的工作模型,其只有5升体积,被认为是世界上最小的SiC器件。由于纳入了实现优异散热的全SiC功率半导体模块,其也被认为为双电机HEVs提供了86 kVA/L的世界上最高功率密度。三菱电机全新的SiC逆变器提供了改进的布置、燃油及能源效率,并且释放了车辆内部空间。预计到2021年左右,HEVs、电动汽车(EVs)和其他类型电动车辆实现商业化。
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation has developed a working model for ultra-compact silicon carbide (SiC) inverters for hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) that is considered the world’s smallest SiC device in only 5 liters. It is also considered as the world’s highest power density of 86 kVA / L for dual-motor HEVs due to the inclusion of full SiC power semiconductor modules for excellent heat dissipation. Mitsubishi Electric’s new SiC inverter provides improved layout, fuel and energy efficiency, and frees the interior of the vehicle. It is estimated that by 2021, HEVs, electric vehicles (EVs) and other types of electric vehicles will be commercialized.