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  Stars shining bright above you
  Night breezes[微风] seem to whisper, “ I love you?
  Birds singing in the sycamore[无花果] tree:
  “Dream a little dream of me”
  Say “ighty-night”and kiss me
  Just hold me tight and tell me you’ll miss me
  While I’m alone and blue as can be
  Dream a little dream of me
  *Stars fading, but I linger[闲荡] on, dear
  Still craving[渴望] your kiss
  I’mlonging to linger till dawn, dear
  Just saying this*
  Sweet dreams till sunbeams[阳光] find you
  Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
  But in your dreams whatever they be
  Dream a little dream of me
  Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
  Sweet dreams that leave all worries far behind you
  But in your dreams whatever they be
  Dream a little dream of me
  Turn around
  Every now and then
  I get a little bit lonely
  And you’renever coming round
  Turn around
  Every now and then
  I get a little bit tired
  Of listening to the sound of my tears
  Turn around
  Every now and then
  I get a little bit nervous
  That the best of all the years have gone by
  *Turn around
  Every now and then
  I get a little bit terrified
  And then I see the look in your eyes
  Turn around bright eyes
  Every now and then I fall apart[崩溃]
  Turn around bright eyes
  Every now and then I fall apart
  And I need you now tonight
  And I need you more than ever
  And if you’ll only hold me tight
  We’ll be holding on forever
  And we’ll only be making it right
  Cause we’ll never be wrong
  Together we can take it to the end of the line
  Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time (all of the time)
  I don’t know what to do and I’m always in the dark
  We’re living in a powder-keg[火药桶] and giving off sparks[火星]
  I really need you tonight
  Forever’s gonna start tonight
  Forever’s gonna start tonight*
  Once upon a time I was falling in love
  But now I’m only falling apart
  There’s nothing I can do
  A total eclipse[日全食] of the heart
  Once upon a time there was light in my life
  But now there’s only love in the dark
  Nothing I can do
  A total eclipse of the heart
  Turn around
  Every now and then
  I get a little bit restless
  And I dream of something wild
  Turn around
  Every now and then
  I get a little bit helpless
  And I’m lying like a child in your arms
  Turn around
  Every now and then
  I get a little bit angry
  And I know I’ve got to get out and cry
  Once upon a time I was falling in love
  But now I’m only falling apart
  Nothing I can do
  A total eclipse of the heart[×5]
南美大国巴西,去年办过世界杯,明年又紧接着举办奥运,获世界注目,国力越来越富庶。去到当地,总不能错过有“南美纽约”之称的圣保罗,既是商业金融中心,亦有丰富的文化艺术气息,令它成为国际设计舞台的重要一员。可惜圣保罗地理上巨大无边,城市规划又杂乱无章,惟有当地人带路,才能一探大都会的隐藏魅力。这次我们找来当地设计新星Bruno Simes引路,带着香港插画师Afa,边走边看巴西家品设计历史,就在横街窄
酒店婚宴、婚纱摄影、蜜月旅行等等费用叠加起来,对准新人而言,通常花费不菲。在这人人拥有单反相机的时代,何不尝试一下在各地早已兴起的旅行婚照自拍潮,将婚摄、蜜月旅行二合一,悭番笔之佘,更可自由自在地边玩边拍。  新兴短线婚摄地——鼓浪屿  不少新人都喜欢选择短线海外婚纱摄影,觉得价格相对便宜,花费时间较短,又可顺道旅行。但婚摄套餐多是同本、韩国、台湾、关岛,还被迫硬挤1号笑容、2号姿势,爱自由的你怎
五国文化新娘  一个女人,无论她是平凡还是美貌出众;无论她是贫穷还是富有;穿上婚纱的那一刻,都是世界上最美丽的。因为在她心里结婚时的礼服赋予她的不仅仅只是美丽,还有幸福、还有期待、还有向往。东西方不同的文化背景也造就了嫁衣的各式风格,一同来细品东西方不同魅力色彩的嫁衣文化。  中式新娘  在中国的传统习俗中,嫁衣是女孩子一生中最重要的服装,大多是由女孩自己从小就开始制作,一直做到出嫁前才完成,这件
她比玫瑰更芬芳,比钻石更璀璨,有着比爱情更动人的故事。她用半个世纪的时间做好一件婚纱,她的名字与手中的婚纱早已融为一体,她们都叫“桂由美”。  在今年2月14日这样一个充满浓情蜜意的节日里,上海外滩半岛酒店上演了一场美轮美奂的婚纱盛典。走进秀场入口的长廊,半个世纪的记忆,一幕又一幕的情景历历在目。将桂由美50年的历史作为背景,回忆不同年代的照片,展现了日本婚纱女王桂由美女士创立品牌的发展历程。圆厅
东方女性对美白的要求可以用吹毛求疵来形容,哪怕是脸上一点点小小的色素沉着或者是斑点都要歇斯底里半天。  Moist Whitening Cream&Essence  美白保湿面霜&精华液  “使用美白产品会出现干燥的问题,这时你需要做的是保湿,保湿才是美白的基础。”在使用功能性的美白产品之前,皮肤必须是水润的状态。肌肤只有在喝饱水的情况下使用美白产品,才能减少色素沉着,才能让肌肤变得可以抵挡住紫外
Forgive, sounds good  Forget, I’m not sure I could  They say time heals[治愈] everything  But I’m still waiting    I’m through with doubt  There’s nothing left for me to figure out  I’ve paid a price  A