上了年纪的老年人一旦发生心绞痛,医生首先想到的是冠心病。原因何在呢?这还得从我们的心脏说起。 每个人都有一颗不知疲倦地工作着的心脏,它像一台水泵,又像一只皮球,收缩与舒张,一刻不停,保证了全身的血液循环。不过由心肌组成的心脏本身也需要有血液来供给氧气与营养物质,此任务是由环绕在心脏外面的冠状动脉来完成的。血液从心脏射入主动脉,然后在其根部的冠状动脉开口处流入左右两支冠状动脉,在心脏舒张时血液通过冠状小分支到达心肌,及时地供给了心肌代谢所需要的东西。 冠心病就是冠状动脉粥样硬化后引起的缺血性心脏病,这时本来管腔光滑的冠状动脉变
In the event of angina at an elderly person, the first thing a doctor thinks of is coronary heart disease. What is the reason? This has to start with our heart. Everyone has a work tirelessly heart, it is like a pump, like a ball, contraction and relaxation, non-stop, to ensure the circulation of blood throughout the body. However, the heart formed by the heart muscle itself also needs blood to supply oxygen and nutrients. This task is accomplished by the coronary artery surrounding the heart. Blood is injected into the aorta from the heart, and then flows into the left and right coronary arteries at the opening of the coronary artery at the root. When the heart is diastolic, the blood reaches the heart muscle through a small coronary branch and promptly supplies what is needed for myocardial metabolism. Coronary heart disease is caused by coronary atherosclerosis ischemic heart disease, when the original smooth luminal coronary artery disease