随着改革开放的深化和发展,社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立,报刊事业也出现了空前旺盛时期。近年来,从中央到地方,许多报纸纷纷改版、扩版和增刊。报纸扩版后,怎样进一步做好时事报道工作,以适应新形势的需要,成为时事新闻界探讨的中心问题。 去年七月,《宁波日报》由对开四版扩为对开八个版。扩版后,如何加强和搞好时事报道,我们从时事报道的业务工作、机构设置、队伍建设等方面进行了改革尝试,并初见成效。
With the deepening and development of the reform and opening up and the gradual establishment of a socialist market economic system, newspapers and periodicals have also enjoyed unprecedented prosperity. In recent years, many newspapers have revised, expanded and supplemented newspapers from the central government to local governments. After expanding the newspaper, how to further improve the coverage of current affairs so as to meet the needs of the new situation has become a central issue for the current news media. Last July, the “Ningbo Daily” was expanded from the fourth edition to the eighth edition. After the enlarging edition, how to strengthen and improve the current affairs report, we carried out the reform attempt from the aspects of business work, organization establishment and contingent building of the current affairs report, and achieved initial success.