今年3月2日丹麦发行安徒生诞生200周年纪念邮票 时还发行了一种特别珍藏小本票(Pries Booklet)。当我得到 丹麦朋友Chr.Rimestad(C·李梅斯泰特)寄来的这一本票 时,真是喜出望外,令人爱不释手,现在就来简单介绍一下。 装帧 这是一本带有黑色硬皮封套的册子(见题 图),说它是小本票实在是有点名不符实,因为它的开 本是25.5×15cm,比我国的大32开本还要大些。本册还 有一个外封套,是深灰黑色的,封面右侧印银白色的安
This March 2 this year, Denmark issued the commemoration of the 200th anniversary of Hans Christian Andersen stamps also issued a special collection of small notes (Pries Booklet). When I got the promissory note from Danish friend Chr.Rimestad, I was overjoyed and overjoyed, let’s give a brief introduction. This is a book with a black hardcover envelope (see the chart), saying it is a small note is a bit fake name, because it is 25.5 × 15cm format, larger than the size of our country still large 32 some. This book also has an outer envelope, dark gray black, the right side of the cover printed silver white security