According to figures released by the Ministry of the Interior of the National Government in July 1947, there are 86,262,337 households in the country with a total of 461006285 persons, including 24,148,555 males and 21,959,727 females, an average of 5.34 persons per household, with a sex ratio of 110.01. The provinces with large population are Sichuan (47107720 people), Shandong (38671999 people), Jiangsu (36052011 people), Hebei (28529089 people), Guangdong (27825512 people), Hunan (26171117 people) and Anhui (21705256 people). The provinces with the smaller population are Xing’an (322,563), Ningxia (773325) and Tibet (1000000). The national population density is 47.35 people per square kilometer. Among them, the highest in Jiangsu is 332.84, the most in Tibet