中国山水画艺术,发端于晋,繁荣于唐,鼎盛于宋,升华于元。经过一千多年的创造与发展,山水画在中国绘画艺术中,成为最发达、技法最完备,成就最高,也最能代表中华民族精神的艺术。堪称我国乃至世界文化宝库中之瑰宝,大有继承、发扬光大的必要。 一 继承传统 我小时候,特别爱看传统的山水画,那自然山川的峰回路转,溪流瀑飞,屋显径隐,风啸松林,水拍石岸,船游鸟飞等幽美怡人的景象,使我神往,陶醉和深深地爱上了山水画。1964年,我考入天津美术学院,除学习西画外也学习中国山水画基础知识,算是“师傅领进门”。毕业后,为出版社画了多部以线描为主的连环画,所遇到的难题就是对树木、山石、屋宇等环境的描写。因此,爬山涉
Chinese landscape painting art, originated in Shanxi, flourished in the Tang Dynasty, flourished in the Song Dynasty, sublimated in yuan. After more than a thousand years of creation and development, landscape painting has become the most developed art with the most complete and highest accomplishments in the art of Chinese painting and also the art that best represents the spirit of the Chinese nation. Called treasures in our country and even the world’s cultural treasure, a great succession, carry forward the necessary. I inherited the tradition of a child, I especially like to see the traditional landscape painting, that the natural peak of the mountains and rivers, waterfalls, waterfalls, house shows calming, wind Xiao Songlin, Shibantian shore, birdwatching and other beautiful scenery, make me Fascinated, intoxicated and deeply in love with landscape painting. In 1964, I was admitted to Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, in addition to studying Western painting also learn the basics of Chinese landscape painting, regarded as “master collar door.” After graduation, drawing a number of picture-book comic strips for the publisher, the problem encountered is the description of the environment such as trees, rocks and houses. Therefore, climbing involved