梯子是人们生活中常用的一种攀登工具。尤其是“人”字梯,因为它使用十分方便而倍受欢迎。但是,你是否考虑过,怎样使用人字梯才安全?为什么人字梯的两臂侧面经常被做成梯形而不是矩形?人越重,梯子越容易滑倒吗?人在梯上的位置越高,是更加“安全”还是更加“危险”呢?以下,我们仅运用静力学的知识来讨论这些问题。讨论之前,先对实际使用中的梯子与人物作一简化处理: 1.梯架均看作刚性,无论它受多大力,都不致发生形变。
Ladders are commonly used climbing tools in people’s lives. Especially the “person” ladder, because it is very convenient and very popular. However, have you ever considered how to use the ladder safely? Why are the sides of the ladder often trapezoidal instead of rectangular? The heavier the person, the easier it is to slide the ladder? The more people are on the ladder Is higher, more “safe” or more “dangerous”? In the following, we only use static knowledge to discuss these issues. Before the discussion, the ladders and figures in actual use should be simplified: 1. The ladder frames are all considered to be rigid. No matter how hard they are subjected to, they will not deform.