Quire Interaction of Certain Nitramine Type Explosives with Proton--A DFT Study

来源 :火炸药学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fengyun816ok
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The composites of certain nitramine type explosives,TETRYL,RDX and EDNA,with proton in vacuum have been considered within the constraints of density functional theory at the level of B3LYP/6-31++G(d,p)(restricted and unrestricted).The results indicate that unexpectedly hydrogen molecule production occurs by the interaction of proton and a hydrogen of CH3(TETRYL)and CH2(RDX and EDNA)groups.As a result,a carbocation is generated on the explosive molecules.Thereafter,TETRYL which potentially has many protonation sites were investigated in more detail in vacuum and aqueous conditions.The data reveals that the composite system(TETRYL+proton)is less stable than TETRYL protonated on nitramine NH or oxygen of the nitro groups. The composites of certain nitramine type explosives, TETRYL, RDX and EDNA, with proton in vacuum have been considered within the constraints of density functional theory at the level of B3LYP / 6-31 ++ G (d, p) (restricted and unrestricted) The results indicate that unexpected hydrogen molecule production occurs by the interaction of proton and a hydrogen of CH3 (TETRYL) and CH2 (RDX and EDNA) groups. As a result, a carbocation is generated on the explosive molecules. After, TETRYL. has many protonation sites were investigated in more detail in vacuum and aqueous conditions. The data reveals that the composite system (TETRYL + proton) is less stable than TETRYL protonated on nitramine NH or oxygen of the nitro groups.
以往集装箱码头物流系统(Container Terminal Logistics Systems,CTLS)的调度决策研究多局限于船舶在港时间的长短和/或系统吞吐量的高低,极少从港口作业线负载均衡的角度去探讨CTLS的调度控制。于是,集装箱码头内的装卸生产作业被视为是一种广义"计算",CTLS就是一个面向集装箱流的并行计算系统。计算机操作系统中处理器亲和性和自动控制PID控制的思想随而被引入到CT