海南岛西部地区桉树无性系选择研究结果表明:19个无性系树高、胸径、蓄积量、冠幅及生根能力差异显著,包含的8个品种材积生长排序:尾×细杂交桉>尾×赤杂交桉>斑皮桉>赤桉>尾叶桉>细叶桉>刚果12号桉>雷林1号桉。综合评价,杂交桉TH9113、TH9117、TH9211、TH9224、赤桉CLY01、斑皮桉9401、尾叶桉U9101 7个无性系生长快,扦插生根能力强,可列为重点发展的桉树优良无性系。
The results of selection of clones of Eucalyptus in the west of Hainan Island show that there are significant differences in tree height, DBH, stock volume, crown width and rooting ability of the 19 clones. The order of growth of the 8 varieties included: tail × fine hybridization> end × red Hybridization Eucalyptus> Eucalyptus> Eucalyptus> Eucalyptus urophylla> Eucalyptus urophylla> Eucalyptus 12 Eucalyptus> Eucalyptus. According to the comprehensive evaluation, 7 clones of hybrids Eucalyptus TH9113, TH9117, TH9211, TH9224, Eucalyptus calamus CLY01, Eucryptopilus cuspidatum 9401 and Eucalyptus urophylla U9101 grow fast and rooting ability of cuttings is good, which can be listed as the key development of excellent eucalyptus clones.