【中图分类号】G623.31 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1001-4128(2010)09-0081-01
The text Fog tells us a touching story, in which an old blind man helped a girl out of a thick fog by his unique sense of touch. From the text, we know the girl has never helped the old man, or even she doesn't know him. But he helped her! What's more, he thinks the fog gives him a chance to pay back the help that 'people give to him when it's sunny" . How wise of him to think so! From him, I learn we should hold an attitude that at any time we should have a soul of grate and do what we can to help people in need no matter whether we know him or her, because we are members of a community, of a city, a country or at least one universe!
In recent years, some areas of our country are challenged with disasters, such as earthquake in Sichuan Province, snow disaster in Henan Province, flood in southern cities, mud-rock flow and landslide in western provinces. Each time, people in the disastrous areas are not alone. People from all over the country stand by them and provide them whatever they need. PLA help them on the spot, workers show love by working day and night producing products, other compatriots donated money, even children in kindgartons give away pennies that are for candies. Though they are faced with actual difficulties, they can feel warmth.
As globlization grows, love has stride across boundaries. Whatever nations face difficulties, from natrural disasters, such as earthquke in Haiti or tsunami in Indonesia or snowstorm in China, to man-made tradedies, including terrorism and pirates in Somalia areas, every nation provides humanitarian assistance, unite together and fight against with such misfortunes. People from different walks of life, of different nations or different races join together closely to help them live through disasters.
We are all made of blood and musles and we are all sympathetic. The world we live in is full of love, not only from our family and friends, but also from people we may not know. It is just love that makes the world colorful, warm and powerful. Without love, life can't last long, nor can it be meaningful. So whoever needs help and whenever they need, we should give our love without hesitation in whatever form.Now Zhouqiu in China are faced with landslide and we again witness that human unity has brought out great power! We are in strong belief that Zhouqu will stand up in near future!
The text Fog tells us a touching story, in which an old blind man helped a girl out of a thick fog by his unique sense of touch. From the text, we know the girl has never helped the old man, or even she doesn't know him. But he helped her! What's more, he thinks the fog gives him a chance to pay back the help that 'people give to him when it's sunny" . How wise of him to think so! From him, I learn we should hold an attitude that at any time we should have a soul of grate and do what we can to help people in need no matter whether we know him or her, because we are members of a community, of a city, a country or at least one universe!
In recent years, some areas of our country are challenged with disasters, such as earthquake in Sichuan Province, snow disaster in Henan Province, flood in southern cities, mud-rock flow and landslide in western provinces. Each time, people in the disastrous areas are not alone. People from all over the country stand by them and provide them whatever they need. PLA help them on the spot, workers show love by working day and night producing products, other compatriots donated money, even children in kindgartons give away pennies that are for candies. Though they are faced with actual difficulties, they can feel warmth.
As globlization grows, love has stride across boundaries. Whatever nations face difficulties, from natrural disasters, such as earthquke in Haiti or tsunami in Indonesia or snowstorm in China, to man-made tradedies, including terrorism and pirates in Somalia areas, every nation provides humanitarian assistance, unite together and fight against with such misfortunes. People from different walks of life, of different nations or different races join together closely to help them live through disasters.
We are all made of blood and musles and we are all sympathetic. The world we live in is full of love, not only from our family and friends, but also from people we may not know. It is just love that makes the world colorful, warm and powerful. Without love, life can't last long, nor can it be meaningful. So whoever needs help and whenever they need, we should give our love without hesitation in whatever form.Now Zhouqiu in China are faced with landslide and we again witness that human unity has brought out great power! We are in strong belief that Zhouqu will stand up in near future!