
来源 :寄生虫病与感染性疾病 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liboliang1985
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目的了解和掌握湖沼垸内型高度流行区外来非疫区流动人员血吸虫病流行现状,为制定和采取针对性防制对策和措施提供科学依据。方法对外来非疫区流动人员进行问卷调查和血清免疫学检测,综合分析不同性别、年龄、文化程度、居住时间和接触疫水方式等血吸虫病流行病学情况。结果调查非疫区外来人员3365人,血清免疫学阳性419人,阳性率为12.45%,男性高于女性,分别为15.74%和6.97%,10~39岁年龄组最高为13.29%,占全部阳性数的85.20%;感染方式以游泳、钓鱼等娱乐性接触疫水为主,占80.91%,挖野菜和淘洗等生活性接触疫水占77.50%,因防汛、抢险、抗旱等生产性接触疫水只占17.42%;文盲、小学、初中和高中及以上学历人群的感染率分别为17.28%、15.69%、12.85%和8.82%。结论由于管理上的疏漏,湖沼垸内型流行区来自非疫区流动人员的血吸虫病感染是严重的,应引起疫区政府和血防主管部门的高度重视,务必将该人群纳入当地血防工作规划统一管理和查治。 Objective To understand and master the status quo of schistosomiasis endemic in migrants from non-endemic areas in the embankment of lake embankment in order to provide a scientific basis for formulating and adopting targeted prevention measures and measures. Methods Questionnaires and serum immunological tests were carried out on migrants in non-endemic pecuniary diseases. Epidemiology of schistosomiasis such as gender, age, educational level, living time and contact with water were comprehensively analyzed. Results A total of 3365 migrant workers were enrolled in this study. The positive rate of serum immunoglobulin was 419, with a positive rate of 12.45%. The prevalence was 15.74% and 6.97% in males and 13.29% in males and females, respectively, accounting for 13.29% (85.20%). Infection was mainly caused by recreational contact with swimming and fishing, accounting for 80.91% of the total, while contact with wild life such as wild herbs and panning was 77.50%. Due to floods, rescue and drought and other productive contact Water only accounts for 17.42%. The infection rates of illiterate, primary, middle school, high school and above people are 17.28%, 15.69%, 12.85% and 8.82% respectively. Conclusion Due to the omission of management, the infection of schistosomiasis from the floating population inside the embankment embankment in the embankment is serious, which should be paid great attention by the government and the department in charge of blood-borne diseases. It is essential to integrate this population into the unified plan of local blood-borne work plan Management and investigation.
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哈欠害苦教授哈斯教授是美国某大学的教授,他的讲授非常风趣且深入浅出,每年他总是能够非常骄傲地被评为优秀教授。可是今年,哈斯教授却因为他的讲 Professor Yasoyama is a
20 0 3年 11月 2 9日至 12月 1日 ,由四川大学经济学院和全国综合大学《资本论》研究会主办的“全国综合大学《资本论》研究会第十次年会”在四川大学举行。来自中国人民大学