我家的鸭肴,主料讲究,制作方便,注重火候,汤白肉软烂,浓香入口回味无穷。至今家中还保留着食客们赠送的一首诗:“金家鸭食天下工,制法来自葱姜聪,补益香酥色莹雪,一匙入口心神融。”适逢征文,我把我家祖传的一款风味菜肴——“砂锅粉皮鸭子”介绍给大家。 原料:黄嘴光鸭1只(1000-1750克),绿豆粉皮3- 5张,葱、姜、黄酒、猪油、盐、味精、白胡椒粉、蒜苗或蒜苔各适量。 制法: 1.鸭入开水锅中氽一下,冷水洗净。 2.姜切片、葱切段用消毒后的纱布包好。 3.砂锅内放入鸭子,注入开水至鸭胸脯,再放入纱布包,置火上,水开后放入黄酒60克或75克(视鸭子的大小而定,先放入一半),再放猪油。两小时后再次放入余下的黄酒,小火焖两小时至酥烂(如锅中水减少时,可补充一定量开水)。 4.将砂锅中的葱姜包取出,调入盐、味精、白胡椒粉,打净上面多余的沸油(鸭油)定味,再放入泡软的绿豆粉皮,1分钟开锅后,撒上切好的蒜苗花或切好的蒜苔末。砂锅放在干净的圆盘上一同上桌,将盖打开即可食用。
My family’s duck dishes, the main ingredient of exquisite, easy to make, focus on the heat, the soup white meat rotten, fragrant entrance aftertaste. So far, the family still retains a diner’s gift of a poem: “Golden duck duck world workers, system of law Cong Cong, replenishing fragrant crisp color Ying Xue, spoonful of entrance mind melt.” Coincides with the essay, I put my family ancestral A flavor of cuisine - “casserole duck” introduced to everyone. Raw materials: a duck mouth duck (1000-1750 grams), mung bean flour 3-5, onion, ginger, rice wine, lard, salt, MSG, white pepper, garlic or garlic all the right amount. System of law: 1. Duck into the pot in the water, wash cold water. 2. Ginger slices, green onions cut with sterile gauze wrap. 3. Add the duck casserole into the water to the duck breast, and then put the gauze bag, set the fire on the water into the wine 60 grams or 75 grams (depending on the size of the duck, first placed in half), and then Put lard. Two hours later put the rest of the rice wine, simmer for two hours until the crisp rotten (such as reduced pot water, can add a certain amount of boiling water). 4. Remove the onion ginger bag casserole, transferred to salt, MSG, white pepper, hit the net excess boiling oil (duck oil) taste, and then into the soaked mung bean vermicelli, 1 minute after the pot, sprinkle Garlic chopped garlic or chopped garlic on the end. Casserole on a clean disc together on the table, the lid open for consumption.