朝鲜族中学主要分布在我国的东北三省。本文通过对东北三省 38所学校的调查,了解朝鲜族中学体育现状,为有关职能部门提供参考。 一、体育教师队伍现状 1.学历: 69.78%达到大学专科以上学历,但其中 46.78%是专科学历。所以,提高在职教师的学历水平,应是师资建设
Korean high school is mainly distributed in China’s three northeastern provinces. This article investigates the status quo of Korean Korean middle school sports through a survey of 38 schools in three provinces in Northeast China and provides reference for related functional departments. I. Status Quo of Physical Education Teachers 1. Education: 69.78% of the college graduates have attained college or higher education, but 46.78% of them are specialists. Therefore, improving the academic qualifications of serving teachers should be teacher building.