1 加强基础设施建设,建立健全农村基层保健网 目前农村孕产妇保健工作在不同地区不同程度地存在一些问题,如人力匮乏,基础设施简陋,一些地方领导重视不够,管理力度不强和管理措施不当等等。因此建议各级领导对农村妇保工作应给予充分的重视,农村保健网(区妇幼保健所、乡卫生院、村卫生所)应配备具有一定素质和经验的医护人员,其人数应根据服务区人口总数和服务半径而定,基础设施如房屋、设备、床位等给予基本保证,另外,对高危孕妇能进行专册登记、分类、分级专案管理。
1 Strengthening infrastructure construction and establishing a sound rural grass-roots health care network At present, rural maternal health care work in varying degrees in some areas, such as lack of manpower, poor infrastructure, insufficient attention by some local leaders, poor management and improper management measures and many more. Therefore, it is suggested that leaders at all levels should pay adequate attention to rural women’s health insurance work. Rural health care network (MCHCs, township health centers and village clinics) should be equipped with medical staff of a certain quality and experience. The number should be based on the population in the service area The total number and radius of the service may provide basic guarantees for infrastructure such as houses, equipment and beds, etc. In addition, the special register for high-risk pregnant women can be registered, classified and graded for project management.