中国人群2型糖尿病总体患病率约9.1%。与正常人相比,60岁时确诊2型糖尿病的患者,其预期寿命减少7.3~9.5年,维持良好生命质量的时间减少11.1~13.8年。对于老年糖尿病患者,保持良好的功能状态至关重要。衰弱是一种常见的老年综合征,是影响老年人功能状态的重要因素,是老年人残疾、死亡和住院等不良健康结局的强预测因子,也是老年糖尿病患者发生不良健康结局的预测因子。本文就衰弱/肌少症与2型糖尿病之间的内在联系、衰弱/肌少症合并糖尿病的管理与治疗作进一步阐述。“,”The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM)in China is about 9.1%.Compared with healthy adults, life expectancy for patients with T2DM at 60 years of age can be cut short by 7.3-9.5 years and time for a good quality of life by 11.1-13.8 years.It is important for elderly patients with T2DM to stay functionally active.Frailty, as a common geriatric syndrome, is an important factor affecting the functional status of the elderly, a strong predictor for disability, death and hospitalization, and also a strong predictor for adverse health outcomes in elderly patients with T2DM.This article reviews the relationship between frailty/sarcopenia and T2DM, and the management and treatment of elderly T2DM patients with frailty/sarcopenia.