合欢花为常用中药,来源于豆科植物合欢Albizia jubirissin Durazz的干燥花序。最近在我市辖区多次发现有混伪品充合欢花使用,经鉴定是卫矛科植物南蛇藤Ceiasturs orbioulatus Thunb的干燥成熟果实。东北习称“藤合欢”。现鉴别如下:
Albizia julibrissin is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine derived from the dry inflorescence of the legume Albizia jubirissin Durazz. Recently, many counterfeit products have been found in the districts of our city, and they have been identified as mature fruits of the cerambycidae, Ceiasturs orbioulatus Thunb. Northeast China is known as “Tengcahuan.” The identification is as follows: