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记得在《中国图书商报》上曾经读到过这样一段话:西部图书出版,与西部开发的举措一样,潮起潮涌,渐渐被出版界所关注。作为一个文化现象,西部图书出版的意义已经超出了普通图书出版的概念。而作为一个出版话题,它无论在选题开发、营销措施还是出版互动等方面都是留给西部和其他地区的一块尚待开垦的土地。这段话准确地道出了西部图书出版的业态,也给像我这样的西部图书出版编辑很大的触动。西部的图书出版社,尤其是那些在政府部门的保护下,靠着补贴过日子且竞争实力不强的出版社,在我国加入世界贸易组织后,在国内深化文化体制改革的 I remember in the “China Book Business” has read such a passage: the publication of books in the West, and Western development initiatives, the ebb, has gradually been the concern of the publishing industry. As a cultural phenomenon, the significance of western book publishing has gone beyond the concept of ordinary book publishing. As a publishing topic, it is left untreated in western China and other areas in terms of topic selection, marketing measures and publication and interaction. This passage accurately outlines the format of the western book publishing, but also to the western book publishing editors like me a big touch. The book publishing houses in the west, especially those under the protection of the government departments, relying on the subsidized day-to-day competition and the strength of the publishing house is not strong, after China’s accession to the World Trade Organization, the deepening of the reform of the cultural system
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从南中国海海域采集的乌绿草虫软珊瑚 Cesp itularia cocerulea May中分离到 1个甾醇苷。经 IR,FABMS,2 DNMR等波谱技术 ,确定它的化学结构为 :孕甾 - 2 0 -烯 - 3β,4 α-二