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沈泊尘是“五四”时期颇有影响的美术家,也是中国历史上第一代漫画家中的佼佼者,被叶浅予称为“一十年代的漫画大师”。他比丁聪的父亲丁悚成名还早,比中国任何一位漫画家的绘画题材都丰富。不仅沈氏漫画为世人所重,其戏剧人物画、新新百美图也不拘旧法,开一代新风。最值得一提的是,他还创刊了中国历史上第一本专业的漫画杂志《上海泼克》,连出4期,为中国漫画的发展开启了新篇章。由于沈泊尘成名太早,且又早逝,其生平和艺术几乎被历史湮没,世人知晓者甚少,存世书画作品更是难得一见。然而这些都不影响他在中国漫画史上的地位。 Shen Mo Chen is an influential artist in the period of the May 4th Movement and a leader in the first generation of Chinese cartoonists. Ye Qianzhi is called “a master of comics in the 1910s.” He Ding Ding’s father Ding frost fame than earlier, than any Chinese cartoonist painting subjects are rich. Not only Shen comic for the world, his dramatic figure painting, the new new hundred beautiful figure nor the old law, open a new trend. Most notably, he also started the first Shanghai-based comic magazine, “Shanghai Splash,” out of four, opening a new chapter in the development of Chinese comics. Due to Shenbo dust fame too early, and premature death, his life and art almost annihilated by history, few people know the world, surviving calligraphy and painting works is even more rare. However, these do not affect his position in the history of Chinese comics.
在今年全国“两会”上,奶业发展受到了众多参会代表委员的关注。农业部部长韩长赋表示,要提升我国奶业品质,唱响本土品牌,要提高奶产品质量,恢复国人对民族乳业的信心。对我国乳业的发展现状及未来,中荷奶业发展中心负责人、国家奶牛产业技术体系首席科学家李胜利和荷兰皇家菲仕兰公司奶业发展负责人Atze Schaap又怎么看呢?  质量提高 价格下降奶业走向中国制造  恢复国人对民族乳业的信心是当前我国乳业发展