Early cultivator Zhongzao 1 (indica) and late rice cultivar Xiushui 2 (japonica) were used for field experiments. Seedlings were transplanted on May 13 and Jun 28 respectively in spaced at 5cm between row and 4 cm within row with 4 plants per hill. Treatments were started at the time when the young plants had 80% available earbearing tillers. Deep water irrigation and drained water accompany with sun-drying were used to control the tiller development. For the deep water irrigation treatment, the depth of water was increased with the plant growth in order to keep the top leaf on the main stem above the water. When 50% of inverted secondary leaves were emerged from main stem the water was drained off. For the drained water with sun-drying treatment, the water was drained until which about 40 cm below to the field surface. The soil moisture content reached about 70% of saturation soil moisture content while the treatment is over.
Early cultivator Zhongzao 1 (indica) and late rice cultivar Xiushui 2 (japonica) were used for field experiments. Seedlings were transplanted on May 13 and Jun 28 respectively spaced at 5cm between row and 4 cm within row with 4 plants per hill. Treatments were started at the time when the young plants had 80% available earbearing tillers. Deep water irrigation and drained water accompany with sun-drying were used to control the tiller development. For the deep water irrigation treatment, the depth of water was increased with the When 50% of inverted secondary leaves were emerged from main stem the water was drained off. For the drained water with sun-drying treatment, the water was drained until which about 40 cm below to the field surface. The soil moisture content reached about 70% of saturation soil moisture content while the treatment is over.