在马来西亚西北沿海地KPR和SUK两个村曾进行按蚊幼虫习性和成蚊季节消长的调查。本文报告在这2村调查按蚊宿主选择和叮咬周期的结果。 1987年11月至1988年2月用人饵帐诱、牛饵帐诱和人诱捕3种方法比较不同蚊种对宿主的选择性。人饵帐诱采用人睡于小
Investigations of larval habits and mosquito season growth and decline in Anopheles mosquitoes have been conducted in KPR and SUK villages along the northwestern coast of Malaysia. This paper reports the results of anopheline host selection and bite cycle in these 2 villages. From November 1987 to February 1988, three methods were used to compare the selectivity of different mosquito species to the host. People bait account lured people sleep in small