1998年10月12日,和往常一样,我一大早起来驾车前往医疗中心参加每周例行的实验室外周一早会。途中忽然听到电台消息,“美国德州州立大学休斯顿医学院的Ferid Murad博士被授予1998年诺贝尔医学生理学奖。”我顿时感到一阵惊喜,我正是在Murad博?
On October 12, 1998, as usual, I got up early in the morning to drive to the Medical Center to attend the routine morning routine morning of Monday morning. Suddenly he heard the news on the way, “Dr. Ferid Murad at the Texas Medical School at Texas State University was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology 1998.” I was suddenly surprised and I was at Murad Bo?