关键词: Clang编译器;抽象语法树;信息提取;结构体定义
中图分类号:TP393 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-3044(2017)06-0019-03
Abstract: In the debugging environment of the embedded system, the structure variables which are very large in quantity and mutable, should be output to the diagnostic software to be parsed and presented. In the rapidly iteration development phase, it is an urgent need to make the structure parsing process automation. It is the most crucial step to realize the extraction of structure definition database. This paper mainly studies how to extract structure definition information from the abstract syntax tree generated by the fronted compiler Clang. The experimental results show that this method can realize the structure XML database form the definition files accurately.
Key words:Clang compiler; abstract syntax tree (AST); information extraction; structure definition
1 概述
本文在开源编译框架LLVM的前端编译器Clang的基础上,通过开发一个Clang前端插件,实现从抽象语法树AST(Abstract Syntax Tree)中进行结构体数据库提取。相比于手工编写解析函数,将繁重的开发和维护工作量降到0,大大提高了工作效率。
本文第二节介绍Clang 前端插件的编写、编译与执行方法;给出结构体数据库提取插件的实现方法;第三节对本文進行总结。
2 相关工作
2.1 Clang 前端插件开发介绍
2.1.1 编写Clang插件
1) 定义继承自PluginASTAction的自定义类StructFrontendAction。重载三个成员函数:
ASTConsumer *CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance
关键词: Clang编译器;抽象语法树;信息提取;结构体定义
中图分类号:TP393 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-3044(2017)06-0019-03
Abstract: In the debugging environment of the embedded system, the structure variables which are very large in quantity and mutable, should be output to the diagnostic software to be parsed and presented. In the rapidly iteration development phase, it is an urgent need to make the structure parsing process automation. It is the most crucial step to realize the extraction of structure definition database. This paper mainly studies how to extract structure definition information from the abstract syntax tree generated by the fronted compiler Clang. The experimental results show that this method can realize the structure XML database form the definition files accurately.
Key words:Clang compiler; abstract syntax tree (AST); information extraction; structure definition
1 概述
本文在开源编译框架LLVM的前端编译器Clang的基础上,通过开发一个Clang前端插件,实现从抽象语法树AST(Abstract Syntax Tree)中进行结构体数据库提取。相比于手工编写解析函数,将繁重的开发和维护工作量降到0,大大提高了工作效率。
本文第二节介绍Clang 前端插件的编写、编译与执行方法;给出结构体数据库提取插件的实现方法;第三节对本文進行总结。
2 相关工作
2.1 Clang 前端插件开发介绍
2.1.1 编写Clang插件
1) 定义继承自PluginASTAction的自定义类StructFrontendAction。重载三个成员函数:
ASTConsumer *CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance