本标准适用于汽车发动机标准尺寸和修理尺寸的活塞销。 1、技术要求 1.1活塞销应按照经规定程序批准并符合本标准要求的图样生产。 1.2需经渗碳淬火的活塞销应按ГOCT4543-71标准选用15X、15XA、15XM、12XH3A、12X2H4A牌号的钢材。 供应钢材应具有下列规定指数:按ГO-CT5639-65标准,晶粒度在№5~№8之间,按ГOCT5640-59标准,铁素体-珠光体的带状组织不高于2级,魏氏组织不高于2级。
This standard applies to the standard size and repair engine piston pin. 1, the technical requirements 1.1 Piston pin should be approved in accordance with the prescribed procedures and in line with the requirements of this standard pattern production. 1.2 to be carburized and quenched piston pin ГOCT4543-71 standard should be selected 15X, 15XA, 15XM, 12XH3A, 12X2H4A grade steel. Supply of steel should have the following specified index: According to ГO-CT5639-65 standard, the grain size in the № 5 ~ № 8 between the standard ГOCT5640-59, ferrite - pearlite ribbon structure is not higher than 2, Wei's organization is not higher than 2.