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随着大批青年教师走上教学工作岗位,带来的一个问题是,青年教师如何提高素质,尽快成长为新一代合格的教育工作者。许多学校注意到了这个问题并做了一些工作,如让青年教师跟着老教师听课,举办青年教师教学竞赛。这些无疑是有益的,但还远不够。青年教师要提高素质,更重要的是自觉地开展教育教学科学的研究。在研究中学习教育教学理论,学习老教师的经验,并由此走出“经验的丛林”,成为具有现代教育理论,掌握科学研究方法的新一代教育工作者。这是一条成功的路,许多特级教师的教学生涯为此作证,只有走这条路,青年教师才可能“青出于蓝而胜于蓝”。这里选登了两位青年教师的文章,他们在教学工作中作了努力,但离开教育教学科学研究还有相当的距离。希望他们以及其他青年教师,发奋努力,结合本职工作积极开展教学科学研究。“青年教师”这个栏目将是青年教师的论坛。 With the large number of young teachers embarking on teaching jobs, one of the problems that arises is how young teachers can improve their quality and quickly grow into a new generation of qualified educators. Many schools have noticed this problem and have done some work, such as allowing young teachers to follow the old teachers to attend classes and hold teaching competitions for young teachers. These are undoubtedly helpful, but they are far from enough. Young teachers need to improve their quality, and more importantly, they must consciously conduct scientific research in education and teaching. Studying education and teaching theory in the study, learning the experience of the old teacher, and thus out of the “jungle of experience”, has become a new generation of educators who have modern educational theory and master scientific research methods. This is a successful road. The teaching career of many special teachers is testimony to this. Only by taking this path can young teachers be able to outdo blue and blue. Here selected two young teachers’ articles, they made efforts in the teaching work, but there is still a considerable distance from the education and scientific research. It is hoped that they and other young teachers will work hard to actively carry out teaching scientific research in conjunction with their own work. The “Young Teachers” section will be the forum for young teachers.
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