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  An Unforgettable Event in the History of Cultural Exchanges between China and India
  By Fei Siming
  Year 2011 is the 150th birth anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), a Bengali poet, novelist, musician, painter and playwright who reshaped Bengali literature and music. The great man was the first non-European in history who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913.
  On April 12, 1924 Tagore arrived in Shanghai, starting his first visit to China at the invitation of Dr. Sun Yat-sen. Accompanied by Xu Zhimo (1897-1931), a celebrated early 20th-century Chinese poet, Tagore made this visit that marked the biggest cultural exchange between China and India in modern history.
  Tagore’s first stop in China was Shanghai. Traveling northward through Nanjing and Jinan, he ended his visit in Beijing. Xu Zhimo was with him all the way, interpreting his thought to Chinese people vividly and expertly. Xu adored Tagore wholeheartedly. Through busy correspondence before Tagore’s visit in China, Xu made detailed arrangements for the Bengali poet’s visit. During the sage’s days in China, the two scholars were like peas and carrots. They even granted an audience with Pu Yi, the last emperor of China who has been dethroned as the result of 1911 Revolution. After his visit to China, Tagore visited Japan. On his way home the poet stopped over Hong Kong. Xu accompanied Tagore to Japan and then all the way to Hong Kong before waving farewell.
  Tagore liked this Zhejiang poet at first sight. He regarded Xu as a poetic companion, a lively buddy. Sharing the same devotion to poetry and art, seeking for the same kind of mental freedom, Tagore opened his mind to this romantic fellow. They soon became good friends despite great difference in age, being in each other's confidence. They exchanged poetry and paintings frequently, spending hours in a pleasant conversation. They even gave nicknames to each other with good wish.
  However, Tagore did not bargain for so much difficulty in China. Besides praise and applause, there were also thorns on the way. At that time, there were two streams of thought in Chinese society. The defenders of the achievement of May 4th New Culture Movement, including Chen Duxiu, Guo Moruo, Mao Dun and other revolutionary intellectuals gave him cold shoulder, calling for his leave. While more conservative Chinese cultural celebrities, represented by Liang Qichao, Xu Zhimo and Hu Shi, defended him, praising and advocating his work passionately.
  The reason why Tagore was criticized was manifold. It was both due to some critics’ misconception and some Chinese scholars’ over-glorification of Tagore’s attainments.
  Tagore and Xu shared each other’s interest. They were very much alike both in mind and temperament. Xu regarded the Bengali poet as an idol, a bosom friend. Perhaps it was Xu’s excessive adoration made him fail to introduce Tagore to Chinese people objectively. With a strong personal emotion, Xu deified him, eulogizing the great man inappropriately.
  Tagore was canvassing for the world peace in many countries at that time, advocating a Utopia without war. He stood up for justice, opposing conflict. Such kind of philosophy of love was undesirable in Chinese society under the ongoing revolutionary endeavors in those days. The most urgent mission for Chinese at that time was to combat imperialism and feudalism. The most important task for them was to devote themselves to national revolution at hand. Tagore’s propaganda for love, peace, spiritual civilization and philanthropy was great, but many Chinese revolutionaries thought it would wear down people’s determination to fight.
  During Tagore’s days in China, he visited Liang Qichao, Mei Lanfang, Shen Junru and other Chinese cultural and art celebrities in the accompaniment of Xu Zhimo.
  After Tagore finished his visit in China and returned to his country, he put his speeches made in China into a book. On the title page of the book was printed a sentence, “To my Chinese friend. Under the care of him, I was able to make acquaintance with the great Chinese people”.
  Tagore made cultural exchanges between China and India as the purpose of his visit to China. His inscription on the book was a way to show his appreciation of Xu Zhimo’s great help.
  The frequent correspondence enhanced the friendship between Tagore and Xu day by day. In 1929, Tagore called on Xu and his wife at their apartment in Shanghai on his way back to India after his overseas lectures. They spent some joyful days together. Tagore composed a poem before leaving to show his gratitude for Xu’s generous hospitality and to commemorate their sincere friendship.□
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