提起大连中兴商厦无人不知无人不晓。尤其是商厦总经理张麟祥以超人的胆识所作出的一系列举措,曾让商界惊叹不已。有人说,商界潮起潮落,而中兴商厦照样奋击腾飞,敢在浪尖上弄潮,并在大潮中站住了脚根! 有这样一组极富说服力的数字:
No one knows when anyone mentions the Dalian Zhongxing Commercial Building. In particular, Zhang Linxiang, the general manager of the commercial building, surprised the business community with a series of initiatives made by Superman. Some people say that the business world is ebb and flow, and the ZTE Commercial Building is still struggling to take off, dare to make waves on the waves, and stand up in the tide! There is such a persuasive number: