在文[1-8]的基础上,根据某些含金及贵金属废液的回收需要,我们着重考察了金在硝酸体系中的吸附行为。1 实验部分1.1 仪器和试剂1.1.1 试剂(1)聚醚型聚氨酯泡沫塑料将该材料剪至米粒大小(1mm左右)加人0.2mol NaOH浸泡,经去污、洗涤、挤干后,再用0.2mol HCI浸泡、洗涤,最后用高纯水洗涤,95%乙醇洗净,于40—50℃烘干备用作吸附剂。(2)金试液用纯金粉(纯度99.99%)加入王水溶解,在水浴上蒸发近干,再加人浓盐酸,反复进行两次,再配制成一定浓度和酸度的硝酸溶液备用.其余试剂均为分析纯。1.1.2 仪器WYX—402型原子吸收分光光度计;perkin—Elmer599B型红外分光光度计。
On the basis of [1-8], based on the recovery requirements of some gold-bearing and precious metal wastes, we focused on the adsorption behavior of gold in nitric acid system. 1 Experimental 1.1 Instruments and Reagents 1.1.1 Reagents (1) Polyether polyurethane foam The material is cut to a rice size (about 1mm) with 0.2mol NaOH soaked, decontaminated, washed, squeezed, and then reused 0.2mol HCI soaking, washing, and finally washed with high purity water, washed with 95% ethanol, dried at 40-50 ℃ standby for the adsorbent. (2) gold test solution with pure gold powder (purity 99.99%) added aqua regia dissolved in water bath near dry, then add concentrated hydrochloric acid, repeated two times, and then formulated into a certain concentration and acidity of nitric acid solution standby. Reagents are analytical grade. 1.1.2 Instrument WYX-402 atomic absorption spectrophotometer; perkin-Elmer599B infrared spectrophotometer.