为了人民,为了真理和正义,他们怒发冲冠,大义凛然,这正是老一辈无产阶级革命家浩然正气的真实写照。 邓小平怒斩谢步升 邓小平领导百色起义后,返回上海。不久,进入中央苏区,被任命为瑞金县委书记。邓小平任职后,遇到的第一个大案,便是叶坪苏维埃政府主席谢步升的犯罪案。 谢步升原是个生意人,后投机革命,被推举为叶坪村苏维埃主席。他利用职权,强奸、贪污、诬陷干尽了坏事。邓小平指示派专人调查,情况报上来后,邓小平立即召开县委、县苏维埃、县苏维埃裁判部负责人碰头会。当即决
For the sake of truth, truth and justice, they rushed to the throne and awe-inspiring righteousness was the true portrayal of the aura of the proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation. After Deng Xiaoping anger raged Xie Bingsheng and Deng Xiaoping led the Baise Uprising, returned to Shanghai. Soon, into the Central Soviet Area, was appointed as Ruijin county party secretary. After Deng Xiaoping’s appointment, the first big case he encountered was the criminal case of Xie Bousheng, chairman of the government of Ye Ping Soviet. Xie Bingsheng was originally a businessman, after the speculative revolution, was elected chairman of Ye Ping Cun Soviet. He used his power, raped, embezzled and framed a bad thing. Deng Xiaoping instructed to send someone to investigate and report on the situation. After Deng Xiaoping immediately convened the meeting of the chief of county magistrate, county Soviet and county Soviet referee. When the summary