保持清醒头脑 继续扩大出口 分析进口情况 调整产品结构——前5个月机电产品进出口分析

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前5个月机电产品进出口快速增长 据海关统计,今年1~5月机电产品进出口总额744.4亿美元,比上年同期(下同)的550.4亿美元,增长35.3%。其中出口378.2亿美元,增长40.5%,占全国同期出口922.8亿美元的41%;进口366.2亿美元,增长30.2%,占全国进口818.3亿美元的44.8%。出口大于进口,顺差l2亿美元。进出口增长幅度是近几年最高的。 主要机电产品出口除船舶略有下降外,全面增长,出口产品结构明显改善。出口增长幅度大的有机床、汽 Import and Export of Mechanical and Electrical Products in the First Five Months According to the statistics of the Customs, from January to May this year, the total import and export of mechanical and electrical products totaled 744.4 billion U.S. dollars, up 35.3% over the same period of previous year (the same below) of 55.04 billion U.S. dollars. Of this total, exports reached 37.82 billion U.S. dollars, up by 40.5 percent, accounting for 41 percent of the country’s total exports of 92.28 billion U.S. dollars. Imports amounted to 36.62 billion U.S. dollars, up 30.2 percent and accounting for 44.8 percent of the national total of 81.83 billion U.S. dollars. Exports greater than imports, surplus 12 billion US dollars. The growth rate of import and export is the highest in recent years. In addition to a slight decline in exports of machinery and electronic products, the overall growth of export products significantly improved the structure. Export growth rate of a large machine, steam
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