
来源 :玉米科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tsmcxuesheng
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以玉米品种兴民18为研究材料,设置高氮和低氮两个氮水平,通过盆栽人工控水的方式进行干旱和复水处理,分析干旱胁迫下氮肥对玉米叶片衰老和叶片碳氮平衡的影响,研究碳氮平衡和叶片衰老及抗旱性的关系。研究结果表明,在干旱胁迫下,高氮处理下增加了玉米对干旱的敏感性,加快了干旱胁迫下玉米叶片的衰老进程;干旱胁迫下碳氮比显著升高,说明碳氮平衡可能参与了干旱诱导的叶片衰老调控。在干旱胁迫及复水条件下,干旱条件下高氮处理的碳氮比相较于低氮处理增加幅度更大,碳氮平衡受干旱破坏程度更严重,说明高氮并不能增加干旱胁迫后下部衰老叶片中的氮浓度,也不能缓解干旱胁迫引起的碳氮失衡。干旱胁迫下高氮导致碳氮失衡加剧,可能是高氮增加了玉米对干旱的敏感性和叶片加速衰老的原因之一。 Taking corn cultivar Xingmin18 as research material, two nitrogen levels, high nitrogen and low nitrogen, were set up. The treatment of drought and rewatering was conducted by means of artificial water control in pots. The effects of nitrogen fertilizer on the leaf senescence and carbon and nitrogen balance of maize under drought stress Influence, study the relationship between carbon and nitrogen balance and leaf senescence and drought resistance. The results showed that under high drought stress, the sensitivity of maize to drought was increased and the senescence of maize leaf under drought stress was accelerated. The carbon to nitrogen ratio increased significantly under drought stress, indicating that carbon and nitrogen balance may be involved Drought - Induced Leaf Senescence Regulation. Under drought stress and rewatering conditions, the C / N ratio of high-N treatment increased more than that of low-N treatment under drought condition, and the carbon-nitrogen balance was worsened by drought, indicating that high nitrogen did not increase the lower part of drought-stressed Nitrogen concentrations in the aged leaves also did not alleviate the carbon-nitrogen imbalance caused by drought stress. Under high nitrogen stress, the carbon-nitrogen imbalance intensified under drought stress, which may be due to the fact that high nitrogen levels increased the sensitivity of maize to drought and accelerated leaf senescence.
相比增量,增速更能反映各地人口增长的变化。统计显示,增速超过4%的省份共有11个,包括天津、北京、重庆和上海四大直辖市,这也说明大城市仍是人口汇聚的重点区域。  --区域经济
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