作为机动车照明领域的全球领先品牌,欧司朗于去年底推出了新款汽车头灯——欧司朗夜行者(OSRAM NIGHT BREAKER)。此款产品一经上市,即受到大批注重驾车安全并且追求时尚的车主推崇。许多车主在使用了这款车灯以后,感受到了实实在在的优秀的路面照射效果。为了让广大的维修企业在帮助车主选荐及更换时能提供一定的借鉴,我们特意汇集了众多车主对于这款车灯使用后的心得。
OSRAM NIGHT BREAKER, the world’s leading brand in automotive lighting, launched the new automotive headlamp at the end of last year. This product is listed, that is, by a large number of car-oriented safety and the pursuit of fashion owners respected. Many car owners in the use of this headlight, feel the real excellent road lighting effects. In order to allow the majority of maintenance companies to help the car owners recommend and replace can provide some reference, we deliberately brought together many owners for the use of this lamp experience.