在斗争方法上做文章 在收集证据上下功夫——武汉市公安局侦办容乃胜黑社会性质组织案的做法

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武汉市公安局在侦办容乃胜黑社会性质组织案件时,采取“内外结合”、“公秘结合”、“拉出来、打进去”等侦查方法,一举抓获了11名组织成员,成功地侦破了此案。在破案前的秘密侦查阶段和破案后的公开收集证据阶段,专案组都能按照刑法第294条和最高人民法院的司法解释的要求,紧紧抓住黑社会性质组织的特征,从全案的角度去收集、固定、甄别证据,组织证据体系。虽然在庭审时被告人翻供,但由于在侦查阶段取证工作比较扎实,证据确实充分,最后法院依法认定容乃胜黑社会性质组织成员有罪并处以重刑。领导重视准确定性 1999年12月至2000年12月,湖北省武汉市洪山区武丰村群众多次举报容乃性持枪护赌、操纵选举、寻衅滋事、暴力敛财等问题,引起了各级领导的重视。湖北省委常委、省政法委书记、公安厅长陈训秋明确指示,要认真查明情况,坚决打掉这个称霸一方的犯罪组织。湖北省公安厅党组副书记、常务副厅长黄永生要求将此案列为督办案件,公安厅副厅长、“严打” When investigating the case of a triad society, the Public Security Bureau of Wuhan Municipality took 11 investigation methods, including “internal and external combination”, “combination of public secrets and secrets,” “pulling out and striking in”, and successfully captured 11 members of the organization The case. During the stage of the secret investigation before the case detection and the public collection of evidence after the case investigation, the task force can grasp the characteristics of the underworld organization in accordance with Article 294 of the Criminal Law and the judicial interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court. From the perspective of the whole case To collect, fixed, screening evidence, organizational evidence system. Although the defendant turned over the court during the trial, the evidence was indeed sufficient because of the relatively solid forensics work during the investigation stage. In the end, the court ruled in the Court that it was guilty of being a member of a criminal syndicate and sentenced to severe punishment. Leaders Pay Attention to Accuracy and Qualification From December 1999 to December 2000, the masses in Wu Feng Village, Hongshan District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, repeatedly raised questions about gun ownership and gambling, manipulation of elections, provocations and violence, and arousing money and other financial atrophy. The importance of leadership. Chen Xiuqiu, secretary of Hubei Provincial Party Committee and secretary of Provincial Politics and Law Committee, and director of the Public Security Bureau, clearly instructed that the criminal organizations that dominate the party should be severely punished. Huang Yongsheng, deputy party secretary and executive deputy director of Hubei Public Security Bureau, demanded that the case be classified as supervision of the case. Deputy director of the Public Security Department, “crackdown”
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