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从上世纪90年代寂灭于瞬间的圆明园画家村到之后鱼龙混杂的宋庄,北京这座城市所散发出的文化芳香或艺术腥臭,总能够吸引着一批又一批的文艺青年,来此为自己的梦想寻找着高低不同的落点,在那些抽屉般的错落房间中,有人的梦想冲破了现实的天顶,变成为众人所羡慕的奇异植物,招摇着自身绚丽的色彩,如电影般梦幻;有人在平淡中坚持着自己最初的梦想,让梦想的种子不断向下生长,用波澜不惊的外表覆盖着内心里纵横交错的根脉;也有人则在方寸间默默地老去与枯萎,变成人流中那一丛丛不为人所知的普通大叔和大婶,围坐在街头下棋,或各自回家准备晚饭。汇集的梦想或失望,每天都在上演着入驻与迁出的情景剧,在城市边缘不断生长的工作室区域,就像中国的楼市一样,似乎总漂浮在一张随时都可能被抽走的地毯之上,或飞向天堂,或坠向地狱。 From the artist’s village of Yuanmingyuan, which was silenced in the 90s of the last century, to Songzhuang, a mixed culture of Song Zhuang and Beijing, the cultural aroma or artistic stench of Beijing is always attracting a group of literary and art youths. Their dreams look for different levels of placement, in those drawer-like rooms scattered, some people’s dreams break through the zenith of reality, become the envy of all the strange plants, swaying their own brilliant colors, such as movie-like Fantasy; some people insist on their initial dreams in the dull, so that the seeds of the dream continue to grow down, with placid appearance covered with criss-cross inside the root of the heart, while others in the square quietly grow old and wither , Into a crowd of ordinary uncle and aunt unknown in the crowd, sitting on the street playing chess, or each go home and prepare for dinner. The pooled dreams or disappointments are staged every day in melodramatic settlements and outreach. In the ever-growing studio area on the edge of the city, like the property market in China, it seems as if it always floats on a carpet that can be drained at any time Above, or fly to heaven, or fall to hell.
桑(Morus alba L.)是桑科(Moraceae)桑属(Morus)多年生木本双子叶植物。我国是世界上桑树资源最为丰富的国家,桑作为药用植物已有很长的历史。桑树全身是宝,其果实(桑葚)、根