The 1984 inspection of food and pesticides in Jiangsu Province has recently concluded. The census results show that the pollution of organochlorine pesticides in the province’s grain has been effectively controlled and the residues are in line with the national sanitary standards for finished products. As one of the main grain-producing areas in China, Jiangsu has been using chemical pesticides in large quantities for a long time, which has not only promoted grain production but also adversely affected the agricultural environment. To this end, since 1985, the province’s environmental monitoring department conducted a sample survey of the residues of organochlorine pesticides in major grain varieties such as middle-season rice, late rice, corn, wheat and miscellaneous grains produced in 1984, collecting a total of 1150 samples, Accounting for about 50% of the province’s total grain output. According to the results of the survey, “DDT” was almost not detected in the overall grain supply, which fully conformed to the national sanitary standard for finished grain. Although “666” was detected in a certain amount, the average residue was only 0.0272 mg / kg, Than in 1983