Fear is a natural reaction to dangers of injury. If you have a chance to do something you perceive as harmful, you will usually avoid the danger. The problem occurs when the danger is not real or the fear is not rational.
You can overcome irrational fears by confronting them in a safe environment. Small successes over danger can build up your confidence and bravery. Sometimes you can also do this by following the example of others. There are two major types of fear in humans. One is the fear of physical harm. The other is the fear of looking foolish in the eyes of your peers and being ridiculed because of it.
People have many fears of injury, which are completely normal and rational. You may fear jumping out of an airplane with a parachute, because the consequence of failure is death.
It is possible to be ridiculed if you fail in front of other people. This probably the greatest fear people have. It can cause you to lose confidence and esteem. When people want to do something, there are many cases when they hesitate in doing it, because they fear of consequences of failure or some impending disaster. Fear limits what you will do in your lifetime.
You can overcome your fears by answering some questions about what you are afraid of. Write down a list of your fears and then, answer the questions about each fear you have listed. Be completely honest and non-judgmental with yourself. Decide to start self-exploration with an attitude of excitement.
? 心香一瓣:大家好!我的名字叫任晓辉,今年十五周岁,是一名处女座的男孩子,来自山西省孝义市第二中学。我的座右铭是“努力到无能为力,拼搏到感动自己”。做人的原则是要真诚待人,别人才能真诚待你。为人热情,乐于助人;性格随和,乐于与人相处。我喜欢聆听,也喜欢务实。具有坚定不移的精神,只要我认为应该做的事情,不管有多困难都会去做。追求自然,喜欢在游玩中学习生活方式,而且善于与人沟通。
You can overcome irrational fears by confronting them in a safe environment. Small successes over danger can build up your confidence and bravery. Sometimes you can also do this by following the example of others. There are two major types of fear in humans. One is the fear of physical harm. The other is the fear of looking foolish in the eyes of your peers and being ridiculed because of it.
People have many fears of injury, which are completely normal and rational. You may fear jumping out of an airplane with a parachute, because the consequence of failure is death.
It is possible to be ridiculed if you fail in front of other people. This probably the greatest fear people have. It can cause you to lose confidence and esteem. When people want to do something, there are many cases when they hesitate in doing it, because they fear of consequences of failure or some impending disaster. Fear limits what you will do in your lifetime.
You can overcome your fears by answering some questions about what you are afraid of. Write down a list of your fears and then, answer the questions about each fear you have listed. Be completely honest and non-judgmental with yourself. Decide to start self-exploration with an attitude of excitement.
? 心香一瓣:大家好!我的名字叫任晓辉,今年十五周岁,是一名处女座的男孩子,来自山西省孝义市第二中学。我的座右铭是“努力到无能为力,拼搏到感动自己”。做人的原则是要真诚待人,别人才能真诚待你。为人热情,乐于助人;性格随和,乐于与人相处。我喜欢聆听,也喜欢务实。具有坚定不移的精神,只要我认为应该做的事情,不管有多困难都会去做。追求自然,喜欢在游玩中学习生活方式,而且善于与人沟通。