自古以来,我们都遵循“日出而作,日落而息” 的古训,认为夜间睡眼乃天经地义的成规;而对于昼间入睡却视为有悖常理的异端妄行。在这种观点引导下,便出现了“痴心妄想”的同义语——“白日做梦”。前些年,我们有一些出国考察的人员回来,无不津津乐道地谈论有些发达国家企业的作业情况:他们没有安排午休时间,而是从早到晚地连续“作战”。与此同时,却贬称有午睡习惯的人们是懒汉习性。这种误解,近几年来才逐渐得到纠正。
Since ancient times, we have all followed the old saying of “sunrise and sunset.” It is a natural rule to sleep at night, and to hesitate to fall asleep in the daytime is counter-intuitive. Under the guidance of this view, the synonym of “wishful thinking” appeared - “daydreaming”. In previous years, some of our overseas personnel came back and talked about the operation of enterprises in some developed countries without remarks: They did not arrange lunch breaks, but continued to “fight” from morning to night. At the same time, people who demean the habit of taking a nap are lazy habits. This misunderstanding has gradually been corrected in recent years.