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  The days growing shorter
  Autumn nights growing cold
  Come lay down beside me
  Love’s warm in our fold
  Nights spent together
  In the firelight’s glow
  A pillow, a wine glass
  Some music turned low
  So soon it is winter
  With its chill and its cold
  Your love is my blanket
  As the season unfolds
  My head nested nicely
  In your shoulder’s hollow
  Soft kisses in 1)moonbeams
  And all that will follow
  The spring brings renewal
  To the soul and the earth
  It lightens the spirit
  Into love, breathes new birth
  Some little pink roses
  You weave in my hair
  Kissing my forehead
  As you’re placing them there
  Summer comes quickly
  Long days in the sun
  A sky full of starlight
  When the daytime is done
  Our thoughts so 2)entwined
  Seems there is nothing we lack
  From deep in your soul
  I see my love reflect back
  Love is our season
  Whether stormy or 3)fair
  We’ve captured its rainbows
  In this heart that we share

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