集团钩钓鱼,最突出的问题是“诱”与“赶”的矛盾。钩上的饵团大,肯定有诱鱼作用,但饵坨入水时的巨声“爆炸”,对胆小的鱼,就有很大的“赶”的作用。 本文论述的这个问题的解决办法,是将饵坨的入水点与钓点远远分离开。也就是把钓点转移到饵坨入水的爆炸声波区以外的地方。人们习惯的钓法是在饵坨入水落底后,立即轻轻地调整一下坨、坠、线的位置及松紧度,就地定好点,入水落底点即钓点。殊不知这个“点”,是既诱又赶的混合点,效果当然不会好。所谓“饵坨的入水点与钓点分离开”、“设钓点于声波区之外”,其具体作法是:饵坨投入水之后,
Group hook fishing, the most prominent issue is the “lure” and “catch” the contradiction. The bait on the hook is big, and it certainly has the effect of attracting fish. However, when the bait lumps into the water, the huge sound of “explosion” will have a great “catch” effect on the timid fish. This article discusses the solution to this problem is to bait Tuo into the water point and fishing points far apart. That is, the fishing spot is transferred to the place beyond the area of the explosive sound wave where the bait goes into the water. People are accustomed to the fishing method is bait into the water into the bottom, immediately adjust the lump, fall, the location and tightness of the line, set a good spot, into the water at the end of the fishing point. As everyone knows this “point” is a combination of both the temptation and catch, of course, the effect will not be good. The so-called “bait lump into the water point and the fishing point separated”, “set fishing point outside the sonic zone”, the specific practice is: bait lump into the water,