新千年的钟声敲响不久,便传来一条令全世界球迷痛心的消息:阿根廷著名球星马拉多纳因长期吸毒而病重住院! 1月9日,当医护人员艰难地从一架私人急救小飞机上抬下一个肥胖臃肿的身影时,千万名崇拜他的球迷意识到昔日那奔驰在绿茵场上的英姿已荡然无存。为迎接新年,马拉多纳携妻带女来到乌拉圭海滨城市埃斯特角。1月4日中午,他因头痛难忍被送进当地医院。次日,马拉圭警方透露,马拉多纳的血液和尿样的化验结果表明,他由于吸食超量可卡因导致血压升高、心律紊乱并严重浮肿。在马拉多纳住院的前几天,医院及
Soon after the bell of the new millennium struck, a message of distress to fans around the world came: Argentine famous Maradona was seriously hospitalized for prolonged drug abuse. On January 9, when health care workers struggled hard from a private First aid small aircraft carried a fat bloated figure, millions of fans worship him aware of the Mercedes-Benz in the pitch on the heroic has vanished. To welcome the New Year, Diego Maradona brought his wife and daughter to the coastal town of Punta del Este in Uruguay. At noon on January 4, he was sent to a local hospital for headache. The next day, Malay police revealed that Maradona’s blood and urine tests showed that he had elevated blood pressure, arrhythmia and severe edema due to excessive consumption of cocaine. A few days before hospitalization in Maradona, the hospital and